Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Installing a K&K Sound Pure Mini Acoustic Guitar Pickup

Well, it's about time!  After cashing in coins I've been saving up for the past few years, I realized I had enough money to buy a new pick-up system and have it rush delivered in time for last Saturday's gig!

After looking around for guides to install a K&K Pure Mini, I found one that simplified the process significantly.  Here are a few pictures I snapped during the process.  Enjoy!

#1.  Guitar and pickup.
The patient and the pick-up.

#2. Masking tape for clean drilling
Masking tape Band-Aid to make sure the drilling is clean.

#3.  Lobotomize guitar
Drilling and the jig.

#4. Prepare the jig
Fitting the jig and pick-up.

#5.  Glue jig!  For great justice!
Gluing the pick-up.

#6.  Install the endpin jack and play!
And it's ready to play!

I'll be posting videos of how it sounds soon!

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