I've been experiencing some issues with the blog function that I'd been using for my website and decided to see if a dedicated blog website would be able to streamline the features better. Like most of these web-based things, I'm learning as I go, so I appreciate everyone's patience during all of these erratic transitions to try and make the best website I can!
The week ahead is going to be even busier than last week which saw me in Philadelphia, Washington DC, Burtonsville, and Annapolis over the weekend. I'm looking forward to shows in Ellicott City, Washington DC, and possibly Baltimore. While I prepare for those, I'll be completing the paperwork I need to start playing out as Sheltered Turtle again and promoting my upcoming album. I'm also redesigning my logo and am coming up with some cool designs, writing lots of new music, and am working on getting my E-mail list updated as well as finally getting some professional photos done. My goal is to be ready to go full speed ahead by the end of the month!
Looking forward to it all!
ReplyDeleteYou are so busy, I can't keep up with you!!
Nice blog! I'm in awe of anyone who can keep up with one. I started one last year and can hardly find time for it~not to mention learn all the technical stuff...but then I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks! As always, good luck with your blossoming career! Hope you'll stop by to visit us whenever you're in the area.
Thanks so much for your support Sheila! The photographs of your tablescapes are astounding! Michael had told me it was a hobby of yours, but seeing them are impressive.